Testimonial »My thanks to ICG for an intensive course that introduced me the project management and made it easier for me to enter this field, with which I have had no experience so far.« Patrik Mandys PM Junior, Connectronics s.r.o.
Testimonial »Very well-prepared training illustrated on a fictitious company and their project. The lecturer is knowledgeable. It is apparent that he has managed many projects and knows things from practice.« Kamila Folaufová Program Coordinator, GE Aviation Czech
Testimonial »I can recommend the Project Management training. It was on a professional level. Great trainer. Explanation based on examples from practice, individual methods tested on examples. I‘m sure it will be helpful in my work.« Jana Hošková Specialist – Energy Data Management, Innogy Energie, s.r.o.
Training Process management (BPM) The training provides a comprehensive view of the program for implementing process management in organizations at any level.
Trainings Project Management Learn how to lead projects by using not only tools of project manager, but also correct communication, approach and mainly thinking.
Training Project financial management Understand financial statements, determine project costs, build a financial plan, and learn how to manage project cash flow.