Testimonial »An interesting opportunity to meet people from the industry. For a beginner with ergonomics it's great, for someone who is familiar it's a repetition but you learn new information as well.« Martin Nýdr Autoneum CZ s.r.o.
Testimonial »The training covers and explains ergonomic methods - OWAS, RULA, OCRA,... I liked the innovations in ergonomics - we got a lot of examples and inspiration.« Martina Patočková Škoda Auto a.s.
Testimonial »Interesting and inspiring training that will provide an excellent overview of technical options ergo improvements.« Tomáš Richter Autoneum CZ s.r.o.
Training Lean Line Design This training will guide you through a 15-step process to design a complete production line.
Training Lean Value Stream Expert Value-stream mapping technique training. Comprehensive VSM, VSD theory, factory practice.
Training Lean Pull Expert The training is focused on methods and principles for successful pull system implementation (Kanban, Milk Run, JIS).